Mario E. Poblete social scientist

A new article accepted for publication in the high indexed Latin America Music Review!!

Our article will finally see the light soon… It basically consists in demonstrating how an important period of Chilean music during the 19th Century was deemed as decadent and inferior by the expert historiography. Nevertheless, its judgements were influenced more by contextual aspects, such as the dichotomy clerical/anticlerical,  than based on musicological facts. Many of the evidence utlized to conduct this research are part of Valeska’s PhD dissertation. This research was funded by ‘Fondo de la Música, 2017’ (Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage. Republic of Chile). In the following paragraph, you can read the abstract of this article entitled “Apogee and Decline of Chilean Cathedral Music in the 19th Century: Revisiting the Historiographical Canon”:

Samuel Claro Valdés established the idea of a so-called 19th-century apogee and decline of cathedral music in Chile. From his point of view, religious musicians represented the decline of music performed at the Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral, while secular masters represented a period of apogee there. Through evidence-based research, this article shows that his historical narrative is not founded on the basis of hard facts related to musical performance. The basis for our critique is an in-depth study of the professional life and historical context of Manuel Arrieta—a figure allegedly responsible, in Claro Valdés’s interpretations, for the cathedral’s musical decline.


I (1980) was born into a family composed by 3 children and my father, a pastry cook, and my mother, an engineer, in a city located in central Chile. This city was really a small town founded in the 18th Century as Melipilla, which is composed by two Mapuche sounds: meli and pillañ, which in mapudungun or Mapuche language means four ancestral spirits… read more.

In a nutshell, my education and work:

I am PhD (Complutense University of Madrid), MA and BA in Sociology (Catholic University of Chile). Currently, I am Posdoctoral Fellow at The Center for Social Theory (Department of Sociology, Ghent University, Belgium).

And my current research interests are:

Methods: historical sociology, discourse analysis, and mixed methods. Theoretical approaches: cultural sociology, sociology of the life-world, and social systems theory. Main topics: populism, Latin American history, Chilean education, indigenous peoples in Chile.

My last publication is:

Poblete, M. (2020). “El código inclusión/exclusión y la persistencia de integración en el populismo latinoamericano” (Spanish). In MAD, (43), 47-59. doi: 10.5354/0718-0527.2020.60651. Download here.

My most-quoted article is:

Poblete, M. (2015) “How to assess populist discourse through three current approaches” (English). In Journal of Political Ideologies, 20(1), 201-218. Download here.